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Hands-on Experiments

A site for universities to access online compatible PPT lessons featuring video-captured hands-on performed experiments and results obtained using the TechnoLab™ experiential learning platform.

PPT Lessons of hands-on

This web-site provides a repository of PPT lessons featuring the photo/videographic capture of a large number of experiments in Statics, Mechanics of Solids/Materials/ Structures and Dynamics with their results.

The experiments are all drawn from the TechnoLab lesson-focused product range for hands-on experiential learning of topics within the above thematic areas. Availability is by very affordable annual subscription.

Get Started


A few samples are offered free to download from here. 
These examples are broadly representative of the material in our web-site repository captured by photo/videography from a large number of hands-on performed TechnoLab™ experiments in Statics, Mechanics of Solids/Materials/Structures and Dynamics together with their results.

Included Experiments

Click below to download a PowerPoint presentation with a list of the available experiments. Access to the full experiment range within Modules will depend upon which level subscription plan is purchased.

This list of experiments is always expanding. Stay tuned for new entries.



Nicholas Haritos, the managing director of STRUCOMP P/L gratefully acknowledges the valued in-kind support of this initiative from:

- Photometrix
- Engineers Australia
- Swinburne University of Technology
- The University of Melbourne

- Basil Psarakos
- Joshua Allchin
- Jerold Raju

- Alexi Bouras
- Tony Koutsonikolas

- Jeremy Kaddis
- Robert Stewart
- Lam Nguyen
- Harry Oblak
- Lucas Ladeira
- Smeet Gala
- Ross Kenneally
- Warren Yang

Nicholas states: I would also like to thank those well-meaning friends and family members that tried to persuade me that the concept of “retirement” does not align with the ambitious time-consuming initiatives I have embarked upon over the past few years. I say to them, their disbelief that long hours spent on what to them is “work”, cannot be fun, is erroneous as this period has arguably been the best time in my life.


Last, but not least, without the patience, enduring perseverance, moral support, encouragement and understanding from my family - in putting up with this “quirky academic” - these initiatives would not have even "passed go".

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